
TIC Council


Annual Report 2023
This report provides an overview of the activities and significant achievements reached by TIC Council throughout the year 2023.
TIC Council Annual Report 2022
This report provides an overview of the activities and significant achievements reached by TIC Council throughout the year 2022.
TIC Council Annual Report 2021
This document is a summary of our activities and milestones reached by TIC Council and its membership over 2021. In includes details about outreach and communications activities, information on the results achieved by TIC Council's committees and regions, and an overview of the current structure.
Value of the Testing, Inspection and Certification Sector Report - December 2020
This study, developed by international law firm Steptoe & Johnson LLP and by London-based consultancy Europe Economics, and commissioned by TIC Council, highlights how the TIC sector delivers “significant, and sometimes massive, net benefits to society”. The study conservatively estimates that TIC involvement will generate a global annual saving of $21.5 billion from reduced healthcare expenditure, thanks to its focus on the UN SDG on good health and wellbeing.
TIC Council Annual Report 2020
This document is a summary of our activities and milestones reached by our committees in the previous year. In particular it includes an overview of our most important efforts during the COVID-19 crisis with selected highlights of our achievements to portray a bird's eye view of the latest developments in our activities.
TIC Council Risk Mitigation Survey: Confronting the threat of climate change - June 2019
In this report, TIC Council and Longitude want to examine changing attitudes towards risk – and climate change risk in particular. By surveying more than 400 senior executives with strategic decision-making responsibilities, this report elaborates on the dangers of climate change and its impact on supply chains.
TIC Federations Consumer Products Market Survey - January 2018
The purpose of this market survey is to compare the compliance rate of certain categories of consumer products available on the open market in North America and Europe that were assessed by a first-party evaluation or an independent third-party conformity assessment body. This survey was carried out to improve understanding of the impact different approaches to conformity assessment can have on compliance outcomes that affect consumer product safety.