Brussels, 6 May 2021 – On the 21st of April, the European Commission presented its Proposal for a Regulation on machinery products. This proposal has the potential to develop a future-proof legislation, particularly together with the existing Cybersecurity Act and the future framework for Artificial Intelligence.

The Proposal addresses efficiently potential risks and concerns on digital safety, security and privacy stemming from the rapid expansion of connected devices and the increasing number of functional possibilities for machinery products on the marketplace. In this context, it is important that the Proposal will make good use of TIC sector’s expertise to test digital solutions and products against connectivity, cybersecurity, privacy and safety requirements to ensure the conformity of machinery products.

It is also positive that this Proposal is linked with the Commission’s recent proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and that it strives to ensure the overarching role of the EU’s Cybersecurity Act. In the same context, Hanane Taidi, Director General of TIC Council said:

“TIC Council stands ready to support the efforts of the European Commission to modernize the machinery directive to ensure that conformity assessment leads to safe, secure and reliable integration of AI systems throughout the overall machinery sector”.

The TIC sector strongly supports the Proposal and is determined to support all manufacturers, and particularly SMEs to impartially assess the conformity of products and ensure requirements are met without disruption. In this context, we welcome the alignment with the New Legislative Framework (NLF), as it can bring clarity to the responsibilities of economic operators, market surveillance agencies and accreditation bodies. Finally, the proposal for turning the Directive into a Regulation can improve implementation in all Member States. TIC Council and its members are committed to working together with the relevant legislators and our industry partners to ensure the new requirements meet the needs of all and achieve the goals the EU has set for itself.


Media contact:

Laura Martin

Communications Manager

Rue du Commerce 20/22

B-1000 Brussels                                   

tel: +32 2 511 50 65


Editor’s Note About TIC Council:

TIC Council is the global trade federation representing the independent third-party Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industry which brings together more than 90-member companies and organizations from around the world to speak with one voice. Its members provide services across a wide range of sectors: consumer products, medical devices, petroleum, mining and metals, food, and agriculture among others. Through provision of these services, TIC Council members assure that not only regulatory requirements are met, but also that reliability, economic value, and sustainability are enhanced.  TIC Council’s members are present in more than 160 countries and employ more than 300,000 people across the globe.