TIC Council currently represents over 100 international third-party testing, inspection, certification and verification organisations around the world. Membership is open to all such companies, subject to election by TIC Council (see the page Becoming a Member); these are classed as A, B or C depending on each company’s size. Each member has voting rights and pays subscriptions according to their membership category.
TIC Council gives a voice to the industry, bringing robust information and aligned positions to support the legislative and regulatory processes, be it at a local, national, or regional level. TIC Council also provides its members with a political monitoring of key issues relevant to the sector through a weekly snapshot of key regulatory developments across key regions such as Europe, the Americas, India and the Asia-Pacific region.
Below are more details on the current composition of the TIC Council membership, along with a list of members with links to contact details, plus either listings of the companies they have in group membership, or directions to a website at which such listings can be found.
TIC Council can currently count on:
- 101 Full Members
- 12 Associated Members