The Agricultural Superintendent Certification Programme was introduced in 2014 (formerly under IFIA), and follows the same format as the existing Petroleum Inspector Certification Programme. Examinations in Africa, Asia and Europe, and in Central and South America and the Caribbean will take place on a rolling programme, with examinations being offered in each country every six months. Please follow the link to the examination schedule page to see when examinations will be offered in your region, and also to see when applications must be submitted to TIC Council for approval.
Applications for examinations throughout the world can be submitted at any time.
Candidates must be employed by, or contracted to, an TIC Council member company, or to a company which has completed the required registration process.
Candidates must complete a specified set of training tasks as defined in the Training Requirements List and pass an examination. Successful candidates will receive a certificate to document their achievement. Certificates are valid for a period of five years, following which it is necessary for inspectors to be re-examined.
A summary for users is available here: