
TIC Council

Codes and guidelines

Consumer Product Testing
Code of Practice for the Consumer Product Testing
IFIA members of the Consumer and Industrial Products Committee (CIPC) has developed a Code of Practice for the Consumer Product Testing. This Code sets out the technical guidance for the IFIA members in the implementation of the ISO/IEC17025 by seeking to enhance the transparency of the data in the test reports issued by the Third Party (TP) laboratories, ensuring the integrity, consistency and reliability of the testing process. For any inquiries about the Code please contact

TIC Council Competition Compliance Policy
This document sets out TIC Council's policy on competition law issues.
TIC Council Model General Terms of Business
These Model General Terms of Business comprise pro forma clauses which reflect standard TIC industry practice. Although any TIC Council member is free to use all or part of them in its own terms and conditions of business, they are provided here for information purposes only, are not intended to be exhaustive and may not be suitable for use in all jurisdictions. TIC Council and its members disclaim all liability arising from the use of these Model General Terms of Business or any provision thereof.

TIC Council Compliance Code
The Compliance Code defines the standards of conduct and integrity with which TIC Council members must comply.
TIC Council Compliance Code - Chinese Version
The Compliance Code defines the standards of conduct and integrity with which TIC Council members must comply. This version has been translated into Chinese.
TIC Council Compliance Code Implementation Guidelines
The Guidelines provide TIC Council Members with an approved means of meeting the Requirements for Implementation of the TIC Council Compliance Code.
TIC Council Compliance Code Training Guide
The Training Guide provides TIC Council members with an example of the compliance training they are required to implement throughout their organisations. It may also be used as guidance for applicants in implementing the Compliance Code.
TIC Council Guidance Checklist for Members’ Internal Compliance Audits
The checklist acts as a guide to the areas that the Member’s internal audit is likely to need to cover.

TIC Council Compliance Principles

The Compliance Principles have been translated into multiple languages for members to use in their compliance training.

(English) (Deutsch) (Español) (Français) (Italiano) (中文(русский) (Nederlands) (Português) (Română) (Türk) (Ελληνικά) (Shqiptare) (عربى)

Commodity Inspection

TIC Council has published Codes of Practice which set out the general standards of delivery and performance that can be expected of TIC Council Member Companies in the execution of their duties in relation to the inspection of certain commodities. TIC Council has no responsibility or liability for acts or omissions of members or others making use of these Codes of Practice.

TIC Council Agricultural Committee Code of Practice
In addition to their general requirements as TIC Council members, all TIC Council members involved in the testing, inspection and certification of Agricultural Products and Vegetable Oils observe this detailed sector-specific Code of Practice
TIC Council Metals and Minerals Committee Code of Practice
In addition to their general requirements as TIC Council members, all TIC Council members involved in the testing, inspection and certification of Metals and Minerals observe this detailed and sector-specific Code of Practice.
TIC Council Petroleum Committee Code of Practice
In addition to their general requirements as TIC Council members, all TIC Council members involved in the testing, inspection and certification of Petroleum and Petrochemicals observe this detailed and sector-specific Code of Practice.
IFIA TML Code of Practice
The following TML Code of Practice applies to IFIA Members that offer TML testing services and other interested parties that intend to use this Code as guidance for testing the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) for solid bulk cargos which may liquefy under the vibration occurring during a voyage at sea.
TIC Council Petroleum and Petrochemicals Field Inspection Safety Code - Second Edition
This Safety Code sets out the expectations which TIC Council Member Companies should meet with regard to safety conduct and also the responsibilities which other parties involved are expected to fulfil in order to ensure that inspection work continues to be carried out in a safe manner.
TIC Council Petroleum and Petrochemicals Laboratory Safety Code
This document was drafted on a cooperative basis by the working group within the TIC Council Petroleum and Petrochemicals Committee (PetCom) and represents the collective best practice and experience of the membership. It sets out in general terms the expectations of the TIC Council of member companies with respect to the safe conduct of all activities within and associated with their laboratory facilities.
TIC Council Agricultural and Vegetable Oils Field Inspection Safety Code
This document sets out the expectations which TIC Council Member Companies should meet with regard to safety conduct and also the responsibilities which other parties involved are expected to fulfil in order to ensure that inspection work continues to be carried out in a safe manner.
TIC Council Metals and Minerals Field Inspection Safety Code
This document sets out the expectations which TIC Council Member Companies should meet with regard to safety conduct and also the responsibilities which other parties involved are expected to fulfil in order to ensure that inspection work continues to be carried out in a safe manner.
Guidance on Issues for Petroleum Inspectors during the COVID-19 pandemic
The following guidance is provided to members, but is also intended for use with all stakeholders, not simply Inspectors and Inspection companies, in order to assist in alignment, understanding and cooperation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pre Shipment Inspection
PSI Code of Practice
This Code of Practice stipulates the obligations of IFIA PSI Members in carrying out inspection activities contracted or mandated by a user government. The Code is based on World Trade Organisation Agreements
PSI Certification Programme Rules
These rules must be implemented by IFIA PSI Members and ensure conformity with the above PSI Code of Practice
PSI Certification Programme Sub Committee Rules
The membership of IFIA member companies active in pre shipment certification of the Pre Shipment Inspection Sub Committee is governed by the above PSI Certification Programme Sub Committee Rules.
Consignment-based Conformity Assessment (CBCA)


Guidance Paper on Cogsignment-based Conformity Assessment
The following guidance paper outlines consignment-based conformity assessment (CBCA) services, how they contribute to trade facilitation and consumer production and best practices.
CBCA Code of Practice
This Code of Practice is designed to provide confidence to Governments and consumers that TIC Council Members implementing Consignment Based Conformity Assessment (CBCA) programmes comply with a recognised industry code and are subject to annual audit to ensure such compliance.
CBCA CoP Auditor checklist
This Check List is to be used by quality management system auditors, acceptable to TIC Council when conducting an audit to verify a TIC Council Member’s compliance with the above Code of Practice.