Industrial Life Cycle Services

TIC Council

Industrial Life Cycle Services

The mission of the TIC Council Industrial Life Cycle Services committee (ILCS) is to evaluate relevant opportunities to facilitate cooperation in order to demonstrate the added value of third-party Testing, Inspection and Certification in industrial and emerging services. It pursues to following specific objectives:

  • Educate and raise awareness about the added value of the TIC sector towards key stakeholders by:
  1.  a) Establishing an overview of the safety of industrial installations in the geographic markets where TIC Council is present;
  2.  b) Gathering and publishing fact-based material to emphasize the importance of 3rd party safety inspections to the relevant stakeholders
  3.  c) Organising industrial safety related events.
  • Liaise with the relevant stakeholders e.g.
  1.  a) International institutions such as ISO, IEC, IAF, ILAC, EC, WB etc.
  2.  b) International industry associations BE, ANSI, EU Turbines, etc.
  3.  c) TIC associations such as ICNDT, EFNDT, ETICS, IACS etc.
  4.  d) European Technology Platform Industrial Safety - ETPIS o European Pressure Equipment Research Council – EPERC
  5.  e) Customers Trade Associations
  • Digitalisation of industrial inspections in all business areas.
  1.  a) Actively follow all possible effects of digitalisation on inspections
  2.  b) Make use of the convergence between functional safety and cybersecurity
  3.  c) Promote new inspection technologies and make sure that our industry has a stake in it (AI, data analytics, drones, new NDT methods, risk analysis, remote monitoring, …)
  • Develop common TIC methods & principles on qualification for inspectors.


  • Develop common TIC positions on pressure equipment and aging installations.


Leonardo Rey, Technical Committee Officer - contact address: lrey[A]

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