IFIA Certification Programme

TIC Council

IFIA Certification Programme

TIC Council operates two certification programmes under the IFIA Certification Programme (ICP) for both petroleum inspectors and agricultural superintendents which are open to TIC Council member companies and to non-member organisations who can register for the programme. Its main objective is to set a standard of attainment for individual inspectors and superintendents such that clients can be confident that certified inspectors and superintendents attending their cargos have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their duties.


TIC Council has operated a Petroleum Inspector Certification Programme since 1998. Please follow the link below to access details of the programme worldwide:

Petroleum Inspector Certification Programme

The programme is widely accepted by client organizations and is available to TIC Council member companies and also to non-member organizations who successfully complete a registration process.


Beginning in September 2014, TIC Council has operated an Agricultural Superintendent Certification Programme (Oils and Fats). Please follow the link below for more details:

Agricultural Superintendent Certification Programme

An executive summary specifically for client companies is provided here:

IFIA Certification Guidelines

Additional information on both certification programmes is available in the following document:

IFIA Certification Programme Guidelines
These guidelines cover the agricultural and petroleum certification programmes.

For further information about both certification programmes, please contact
exams@tic-council.org: tel +351 912 484 735

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