Washington, 05 October 2020 – TIC Council Americas, the Americas branch of the TIC Council, congratulates the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST, on completion of the revision process to the Guidance on Federal Conformity Assessment Activities, Title 15 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 287.
The guidance was first published in 2000 in response to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119 (February 10, 1998) directing the Secretary of Commerce to issue guidance to Federal agencies to ensure effective coordination of Federal conformity assessment activities. NIST’s role in providing guidance to federal agencies was reconfirmed in the revision to OMB Circular A-119 published in January 2016.
During the revision process, TIC Council and its members provided public comments and met with NIST on several occasions. The TIC Council extends its thanks to NIST for its willingness to speak with stakeholders and consider the needs of the industry.
To view the recommendations made by the TIC Council on the 15 CFR 287 guidance, visit the TIC Council Americas webpage here
For questions about the TIC Council Americas or to get involved, please reach out to Karin Athanas at kathanas@tic-council.org
About TIC Council
TIC Council is the global trade federation representing the independent third-party Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industry which brings together more than 90-member companies and organizations from around the world to speak with one voice. Its members provide services across a wide range of sectors: consumer products, medical devices, petroleum, mining and metals, food, and agriculture among others. Through provision of these services, TIC Council members assure that not only regulatory requirements are met, but also that reliability, economic value, and sustainability are enhanced. TIC Council’s members are present in more than 160 countries and employ more than 300,000 people across the globe.