TIC Council is delighted to announce the second virtual panel of the Battery Safety & Sustainability Campaign, titled "Defining Battery Sustainability" and taking place on 12 July at 09:00 AM EST/15 CEST (Time TBC).

A growing demand for electronic products and vehicles only continues to increase, bolstered by industry and government interests in decarbonization and a desire to limit the impact of natural resource exploitation. However, with this growth, significant challenges to sustainability have also arisen. 

Batteries, if not properly recycled or disposed of, pose significant and diffuse environmental and health risks. Meanwhile, efforts to enhance and increase the volume of material recycling of batteries will face challenges associated with cost, efficiency (material loss), and emissions concerns. Reuse and refurbishment offer an alternate to recycling, but these options may be more expensive and require retesting and certification of the batteries prior to use. 

Given these constraints, governments and independent organizations have stressed the importance of improving the transparency and flexibility of battery supply chains to accurately weigh the sustainability of battery production, use, and end-of-life options holistically—by comparing the environmental impact of circular supply chains to the extraction of virgin material.

In this panel our experts will explore available options and risks associated with making batteries more sustainable, the role that recycling, reuse, and refurbishment can play, and how TIC can support this transition.

Questions to be discussed include:

  • How do recycling, reuse, and refurbishment differ?
  • What is “sustainability” in the context of battery life-cycles (from “cradle to grave”)?
  • Which public policies and regulations are currently being implemented to improve battery sustainability?
  • What challenges does industry face in pursing sustainable battery supply chains? And is the TIC sector particularly well positioned to address them?
  • Is there research and development underway that can assist in addressing these challenges? 

Moderator: Benjamin Johnson, Policy Analyst, TIC Council Americas


Click here to register.

For any questions, please contact: bjohnson@tic-council.org